Dream. Create. Captivate

Dream. Create. Captivate.


Moving Pictures Enterprises

Moving Pictures Enterprises is a television and digital production company dedicated to the development, production, and acquisition of original non-scripted programming for streaming, broadcast, cable, and digital platforms everywhere. Launched in 2013, Moving Pictures has partnered with multiple production companies and boasts a robust portfolio of unscripted shows and streaming content. We are dedicated to crafting, captivating and inspiring audiences through innovative and engaging television and film productions. Our vision extends across all media formats and genres, aiming to produce cutting-edge content that captivates global audiences.

Moving Pictures Enterprises is dedicated to telling vibrant stories and pushing boundaries in television and film to influence and reshape cultural dialogues. The company is excited to continue producing unexpected cinematic journeys and will be announcing several new projects soon.


Talk to us

Schedule a call. All project estimates are free and flexible according to needs and scheduling.




Why us…

Here are some Reassuring words…

Bing in the camera business, it’s crucial to collaborate with a team that elevates your vision. Moving Pictures Enterprises did exactly that. Their creativity, technical prowess, and attention to detail exceeded my expectations. The final product was visually stunning and resonated deeply with our audience. For anyone looking to take their project to the next level, I highly recommend Moving Pictures Enterprises—they are true masters of visual storytelling.
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Partnering with Moving Pictures Enterprises was an outstanding experience. Their team delivered creative and technical excellence that brought our unscripted series to life in ways we never imagined. If you want to elevate your project, I highly recommend their expertise. They’re phenomenal collaborators in visual storytelling!
Moving Pictures Enterprises exceeded all expectations. Their team brought unique creativity and precision to our project. Highly recommend for anyone seeking top-notch production services!


company promise

At Moving Pictures, we wake up and look at the world differently and strive to improve the norms. We are a company creating moving visual experiences for forward-thinking brands, organizations, and entrepreneurs. It’s more than making the content looking fresh, glossy or bigger. Moving Pictures works hard on creating bright, long-lasting impressions beyond the obvious.



About Us

Next Level Consulting

Moving Pictures listens, advises, and hones into your creative needs, developing the best ways to electrify your project. Every collaboration is different, sometimes we are called to start a spark; other times we are there to right the ship. Step one, call us.